Hands-On in the COPICOH Health Lab: Master students test research systems

On 12/13/21, students in the third semester of the Master of Health and Health Care Sciences visited the COPICOH Health Lab as part of the Introduction to Digital Health lecture. Thematically, the aim was to learn about and try out developments from IMIS and ITM in the digital health field.

Prof. Andreas Schrader (ITM), Jan Kopetz, Bastian Schmeier, Janna Rück (all IMIS) and Jannik Scherf (ISE) first introduced the Health Lab and some (COPICOH) projects in short presentations. ParkProTrain, ReNaApp, Activate and TaBeL were particularly addressed, as these were demonstrated in the second part of the event. A total of 14 master's students (from the fields of nursing, speech therapy, physiotherapy and midwifery, among others) from the lecture offered by Jan Kopetz tested the applications in small groups and discussed the respective application contexts. "Overall it was a lot of fun today, it was nice to present and discuss practical projects in presence again." Jan Kopetz summed up after the event.