The cluster conference "The Future of Nursing - Innovative Technology for Practice" organized by the Care Innovation Center (PIZ) of the An-Institut of the Carl von Ossietzky University "Oldenburg" will be presented by Jan Patrick Kopetz as part of the publication "Smart Glasses as Supportive Tool in Nursing Skills Training "the project STUDYhealth (" Skills Training with smart glasses for undergraduate stuDY programs in health sciences ").
The project originated from a master's thesis examining the use of smart glasses to support and expand the skills of nurses in education. Due to the positive results of the investigation and the actual needs of such a system, the project is researching and working on a technical system that could ensure potential practical application. In cooperation with the Nursing Study Program and the Institute for Social Medicine - Nursing Department of the University of Lübeck, additional content is being developed that can be further evaluated in field studies with regard to acceptance and positive effects.
Link to the event.