The representatives of the clusters of the participating countries (Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland, Great Britain, Spain) agreed on the draft of the upcoming test phase. From February 2020, the previously developed concept for the promotion of digital competencies of health professionals in healthcare practice will be tested. The special feature of the concept lies in the composition of the so-called "Learning Innovation Unit" (LIU). The aims of the LIU are to promote and support the implementation of digital technologies and change management. Furthermore, competences and competence development are to be supported, which improve the cooperation between medical professionals and companies, as well as the needs of the individual employee and the entire team during the "roll-out" phase. This core element of the DISH project connects teachers, developers, organization and learners in a training concept to create the best possible conditions for the sustainable implementation of new digital technology in everyday professional life. For the evaluation of the LIU concept, "test sites" are now being sought in the participating countries in which employees are to be trained for new technologies. The national cluster partners, consisting of research, educational institutions, a health service provider - a health cluster or network (Triple Helix), are closely involved in this process. If you are interested in a participation, because you are about to introduce a new technology or have a digital technology in the care which could not (yet) be successfully implemented, please contact the contact persons of the German Helix.
More information is available at or contact Adrienne.henkel(a)