Facilitation of communication and orientation for ventilated intensive care patients (BMBF)
Ventilated and non-speaking patients need help in communicating with caregivers, attendants and relatives. The ACTIVATE system is designed to assist in this situation and is controlled by a ball-shaped, easy-to-use input device called BIRDY. With the help of the input device, patients can specifically communicate needs to therapeutic staff during the recovery process.
Ambient Care
User-centered development and testing of a socio-technical system (CISCO)
The project aims at the user-centered development and testing of a socio-technical system for the context-sensitive provision and communication of professional or clinical, i.e. patient- or resident-related information.
Big data analytics of multimorbid patients
Complementation in Health Services Research (CISCO)
As part of the "Big Data" subproject, several work packages will address the question of whether the analysis of complex patient data can help to improve patient care. The process evaluation of this work package will also address the data protection and ethical issues that this procedure raises.
DISH - Digital & Innovation Skills Helix in Health
Digital solutions in healthcare (ERASMUS+)
Digital solutions or so-called "e-health" approaches are intended to support healthcare workers, e.g. by ensuring more transparent communication channels and enabling patients and relatives to better participate in their own healthcare. The aim of the EU-funded ERASMUS+ project "Digital & Innovation Skills Helix in Health" (DISH) is to investigate current and future skills needs in order to successfully advance the necessary digitalization in this sector.