AI-powered individual learning assistance in the skills lab for patient-centered and interprofessional communication in the health professions


With the individual application LABORATORIUM on the topic of skills labs of the future, an interdisciplinary consortium with institutes and clinics of the University of Lübeck under the umbrella of COPICOH was able to successfully place itself within the framework of the federal-state funding initiative "Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung ".

The goal is to develop an AI-supported individual learning assistance in the Skills Lab for patient-centered and interprofessional communication in the health professions. The project aims to improve practical training in all courses of the medical section including health sciences through intelligent ambient learning spaces.

The central project goals are therefore as follows:

  1. The development of a learning assistance system for the detection, analysis and feedback of relevant communication features with regard to a) linguistic features (specific vocabulary) and b) paraverbal features (e.g. speech tempo, pauses, emotional modulation).
  2. The integration of learning assistance into face-to-face teaching of health professions courses at UzL to provide students with training in communication skills to complement existing courses.
  3. The development of an online version of the learning assistance for remote access both as an individual asynchronous practice platform and for synchronous participation of students in face-to-face teaching.
  4. The continuation and successive further development of the learning assistance beyond the scope of the project, including making it available to other universities.


The project is funded by the BMBF under the guideline on the "Bund-Länder-Initiative" for the Promotion of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. The volume of the project amounts to approx. 1.85 million euros.

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Project Members

Silke Anders Photo of Silke  Anders
Institut für Psychologie II der Klinik für Neurologie
+49 451 3101 7410

Katrin Balzer Photo of Katrin  Balzer
Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie (ISE)
+49 451 500 51262

Annette Baumgärtner, PhD Photo of Annette  Baumgärtner, PhD
Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8580

Stefan Borgwardt Photo of Stefan  Borgwardt
Zentrum für Integrative Psychiatrie ZIP gGmbH, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Campus Lübeck
+49 451 5009 8800

Hanna Brodowski Photo of Hanna  Brodowski
Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8556

Nico Bunzeck Photo of Nico  Bunzeck
Institut für Psychologie I (IPSY I)
+49 451 3101 3600

Anna Dammermann Photo of Anna  Dammermann
Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie (ISE)
+49 451 929 95112

Markus Dresel, M. Sc. Photo of Markus  Dresel
Institut für Multimediale und Interaktive Systeme (IMIS)
+49 451 3101 5133

Mathias Eulers, M. Sc. Photo of Mathias  Eulers
Institut für Signalverarbeitung (ISIP)
+49 451 3101 5811

Kristina Flägel Photo of Kristina  Flägel
Institut für Allgemeinmedizin (IfA)
+49 451 3101 8012

Klaas Franzen Photo of Klaas  Franzen
Medizinische Klinik III – Pulmologie (UKSH)

Kirsten Handschuch, M. Sc. Photo of Kirsten  Handschuch
Institut für Psychologie I (IPSY I)
+49 451 3101 3616

Adrienne Henkel, M. Sc. Photo of Adrienne  Henkel
Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie (ISE), Sektion für Forschung und Lehre in der Pflege
+49 451 500 51267

Nicole Jochems Photo of Nicole  Jochems
Institut für Multimediale und Interaktive Systeme (IMIS)
+49 451 3101 5110

Muriel Marieke Kinyara, M. Sc. Photo of Muriel Marieke  Kinyara
Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8592

Kerstin Lüdtke Photo of Kerstin  Lüdtke
Institut für Gesundheits- wissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8540

Alfred Mertins Photo of Alfred  Mertins
Institut für Signalverarbeitung (ISIP)
+49 451 3101 5800

Martina Obst Photo of Martina  Obst
Institut für Psychologie I (IPSY I)
+49 451 3101 3617

Frieder Paulus Photo of Frieder  Paulus
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie und Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie
+49 451 3101 7527

Corinna Peifer Photo of Corinna  Peifer
Institut für Psychologie I (IPSY I)
+49 451 3101 3610

Katharina Röse Photo of Katharina Maria Röse
Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8590

Fabian Samek Photo of Fabian  Samek
Institut für Medizinische Informatik (IMI)

Angelika Schley, M.A. Photo of Angelika  Schley
Institut für Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie (ISE)
+49 451 500 51271

Katja Stahl Photo of Katja  Stahl
Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften (IfG)
+49 451 3101 8565

Tjorven Stamer, M. Sc. Photo of Tjorven  Stamer
Institut für Allgemeinmedizin (IfA)
+49 451 3101 8013

Jost Steinhäuser Photo of Jost  Steinhäuser
Institut für Allgemeinmedizin (IfA)
+49 451 3101 8000

Daniel Wiswede Photo of Daniel  Wiswede
Lehrbereich Medizinische Psychologie an der Klinik für Neurologie
+49 451 3101 7445